Monday, October 31, 2011

The Rush

The Rush

I only get two hours.  I spend the other 22 just longing for those other 2. Town to town, hotels and tour buses. Dreary towns that all look the same looking out the window of a tour bus at endless trees and lane markers as they fade away in the distance. That is, when I don't sleep most of the day. The only thing that keeps me motivated are those 2 hours.
The anticipation builds as the time gets nearer. I can hear the buzz, the roaring sound of the crowd as it gets louder and louder, the cheers, the excitement as I wait in the dressing room. Hair and makeup done, vocal warm ups done. It is almost show time.
There is nothing like that rush. That rush you get when you first get out on stage. To see tens of thousands of adoring fans who came to see you perform. Who want a piece of what you have. Of what you offer. They spent 22 hours thinking about those 2 hours they would get to spend with you. They are looking for that rush. You are longing for that rush. It is symbiotic. It is like great sex. Both looking for that rush. That high. And then...we both get that rush, and it lasts for two hours.
The lights beaming down on you as you get to sing the songs they came to hear.  All eyes on you. Twenty thousand adoring fans all focused on you. They want you. I have worked 20 years to get to the point where they all want me. All the one horse towns and playing bars where no one listened or cared. It is all worth it now, for that rush I get once a night for a couple of hours.
Then, the height of it all. Those one or two great songs they came to hear. The ones that have made my career. The ones I never get tired of singing because they mean so much to me. Brings the house down. I am at my highest point of the night.
I feed off their energy and give every ounce that I've got. That energy gives me the rush that gives back to them. It builds and builds and builds until it is all consuming.  For me and for them. There is nothing like it.
As I leave the stage, that rush carries me for an hour or two.
Then the letdown. Back to the hotels and buses. Then we do it all over again in the next town the next night. A new rush for all of them, the same rush for me every night. 

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